Rodrigo es Arquitecto por la ETSAM, Master en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados por la ETSAM y Máster en Research Architecture por la Universidad Goldsmiths (Londres).
Su actividad investigadora se centra en explorar el rol del parámetro tiempo en el entorno construido a través del uso de nuevas tecnologías de parametrización o IA aplicadas a la arquitectura y el urbanismo. Entre sus trabajos de investigación destacan las publicaciones “Concrete Punishment: Time, Art and Architecture as weapons in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” (Political Geography, Q1) o “Automation and Autonomy in the Architectural Project” (Journal of Architectural Education, Q2) o el Premio “Arquímedes” para Jóvenes Investigadores otorgado por el Ministerio de Educación.
Su actividad profesional se desarrolla en el estudio JARD ( cuyo trabajo ha sido premiado, por ejemplo, con el Primer Premio del Concurso “Lounge COAM”, el Segundo Premio “Museo del Capricho COAM”, el Primer Premio “(In)visible Cities” otorgado por Medialab-Prado, el Primer Premio de Emprendimiento de la Fundación Arquia o el Primer Premio de Emprendimiento MAD+ otorgado por el Ayuntamiento de Madrid.
Rodrigo is an Architect from ETSAM, Master in Advanced Architectural Projects from ETSAM and Master in Research Architecture from Goldsmiths University (London).
His research activity focuses on exploring the role of the time parameter in the built environment through the use of new technologies such as parametrization or AI applied to architecture and urbanism. Amongst his research works, it can be noted the publications “Concrete Punishment: Time, Art and Architecture as weapons in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” (Political Geography, Q1) or “Automation and Autonomy in the Architectural Project” (Journal of Architectural Education, Q2) or the “Archimedes” Prize for Young Researchers granted by the Ministry of Education.
His professional activity is developed in JARD studio ( whose work has been awarded, for example, with the First Prize of the “Lounge COAM” Competition, the Second Prize in the competition “Museo del Capricho COAM”, the First Prize “(In) visible Cities” awarded by Medialab-Prado, the First Prize of Entrepreneurship of the Arquia Foundation or the First Prize of Entrepreneurship MAD + awarded by the Council of Madrid.